
Hotel & Motels


  • Heritage Inn Express, 1155 Pony Express Hwy, 785-562-5588
  • Oak Tree Inn, 1127 Pony Express Hwy, 785-562-1234, 100% non-smoking, WiFi, exercise room, 24-hour dining on property.
  • Surf Motel, 2105 Center, 785-562-2354
  • Thunderbird Motel, 819 Pony Express Hwy, 785-562-2373. Morning coffee, picnic tables and grills in back.


  • The Weaver Hotel, 126 S. Kansas, 785-363-2515. Renovated 100-year-old railroad hotel with 10 rooms, 2 party rooms, gift shop, elevator. Handicapped accessible.

B & B’s and Guesthouses


  • The Bankers Inn, 123 N. Kansas, 785-292-4225 or 402-641-3031. 3 Suites with multiple beds, Kitchenettes in each room, Wireless internet, Cable TV, Non-Smoking.
  • The Lodge, 800 North Locust St. (on Hwy. 9 & 99), 785-562-6987. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, kitchen, washer/dryer, handicapped access.
  • Mary Ann’s Guest House, on Chestnut Street, 785-292-4363. 3 bedroom, bath, internet & Cable TV.


  • The Antler Lodge, 3 miles west and 2 1/2 miles north of Marysville (near Herkimer). 785-713-9088. Full kitchen, full bath. Sleeps up to 6.


RV Parks

  • Axtell, Car Wash & RV Park, 200 S. 5th, 785-736-2286. Coming north into Axtell on K-110, turn right at T intersection, then immediately left; RV park is on left.
  • Blue Rapids, in fairgrounds on Hwys 9 and 77. Electricity, water, dump station. $10 donation per night.
  • Frankfort, 3rd & Elm, in city park. One night free, then $2 per night. Check with City Hall, 785-292-4240 to turn on electricity.
  • Marysville
    • Marysville City Park on Hwy 77 (10th St.) 3 blocks south of Hwy 36, free, no reservations.
    • Thunderbird RV Park, next to Thunderbird Motel on Hwy 36 west of Marysville, 785-562-2373
    • Pony Express RV Park, on Hwy 36 on east edge of Marysville, across from Pizza Hut, 1163 Pony Express Highway, 785-562-3200 (this is also Dawg House number). 8 spots with full hookup.
  • Vermillion, in park. 3 spots with hookups.
  • Waterville, from junction of Highways 9 and 77, go 2 blocks north to Commercial St., then 4 1/2 blocks east. On north side of street.

Wireless Internet Access

  • Marysville Library, 1009 Broadway, 785-562-2491.
  • Axtell Library, 401 Maple, 785-736-2858. During business hours.
  • Blue Rapids Library, East side of square, 785-363-7709.
  • Waterville Library, 129 E. Commercial, 785-363-2769.
  • Frankfort Library, 104 E. 2nd, 785-292-4320. During business hours.
  • Vermillion Library, 102 Main, 785-382-6227. 7 a.m.-10 p.m. 7 days.